
What Is Lead Generation Marketing and Why Every Business Needs It

With competition rapidly growing, you need to be proactive in convincing your potential customers or leads to stay interested in your products and services. Turning your target audience’s passive awareness into a sale is a process called lead generation.

Lead generation marketing involves creating a pool of leads and making them interested enough in your brand to become paying customers. To that end, a lead generation service provider creates a plan to attract, engage and nurture your leads, eventually resulting in the opportunity to sell.

As more and more businesses leverage technology to better suit customers’ needs, it’s up to you to adapt. For instance, a social media post featuring your software package discount won’t necessarily spark interest if the viewer did not previously know about you. On the other hand, an excellent social media lead generation approach would be to emphasize the benefits of your software and provide customer testimonials to prove it.

Nearly everyone is online, so you need a system in place and a next-level approach to capture your online leads – and to meet this goal, a lead generation company can become your closest ally.

In this blog, we cover:

• What is lead generation marketing
• Why you need lead generation strategies
• What comprises an effective lead generation campaign

We also discuss marketing lead generation examples and how working with a lead generation marketing company benefits your business.

What Is Lead Generation Marketing?

Lead generation marketing is the process of creating and implementing various marketing strategies that attract and engage your potential customers or leads. A successful lead generation campaign involves a system called a marketing funnel to bring your leads closer to becoming customers. A lead generation service ensures that your marketing funnel effectively nurtures your leads from their first point of contact until the moment they express interest in becoming your customer.

All businesses need to generate leads, but the approach differs depending on the best way to reach your target audience. Specifically, the right marketing funnel and lead generation services for a B2C (business-to-consumer) company will differ from a B2B (business-to-business) company.

B2C vs. B2B Lead Generation Campaign

A B2B lead generation agency helps companies that offer products or services to a business’s decision-makers instead of directly to consumers. An example of a B2B lead generation campaign is a software free trial offer through email marketing lead generation because when your prospects agree to be contacted, it’s easier to stay in touch.

Conversely, let’s say you’re a B2C company in the fashion business. In that case, you might focus on social media lead generation through Instagram. A good strategy would be to accept registrations for an exclusive preview of your collection, then send updates to your contacts when the collection is released.

A B2C and B2B lead generation campaign will differ according to its target audience and desired action, but both strategies share the same goal of winning customers.

Top 2 Reasons You Need Lead Generation Marketing

Because we live in a highly digital world, any good lead generation company would tell you to focus on generating leads online. What sets a professional lead generation service apart is that you benefit from years of experience and a team that is always ahead. Working with a lead generation expert means you have the best practices in place to help you win more customers.

Two major benefits of having the right marketing lead generation approach:

1. Traditional Marketing Is Out

Lead generation starts by capturing your target audience’s attention with a message that resonates with them. But they can easily be distracted and swayed by your competitors. After your initial touchpoint, it’s essential to follow through with a landing page that convinces them to engage with you and with content that keeps your brand relevant. Personalized communication and curated brand experiences are increasingly becoming the standard for marketing.

2. Steady Source of Leads

Lead generation is a process of establishing a touchpoint with your audience that gives you a way to reach them again. If you set up your marketing funnel well enough, your lead generation strategies can nurture and continuously produce leads instead of blindly chasing after customers. In today’s digital world, engagement is critical for sales, and every digital channel has a role to play in improving your lead generation strategy.

The Marketing Tactics an Effective Lead Generation Strategy Involves

Because the question what is lead generation marketing? has no simple answer, let’s talk about proven lead generation tactics. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, learning some of the lead generation best practices can help you align your strategy with your unique goals.

Drive profitable results with these expert-approved lead generation strategies:

1. High-Quality Content

Capture your target audience’s attention with content that features things they are already interested in. For instance, a good lawyer lead generation agency would publish content about frequently asked questions (FAQs) in law. The type of person searching for FAQs online is precisely the kind of person lawyers can help.

“Prioritize the quality over quantity for your content. It’s imperative to create content that is of value and contains strong calls-to-action (CTAs),” said Tristan Harris, lead generation expert and demand generation manager at Thrive Internet Marketing Agency.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Harris calls SEO “the foundation that the lead generation house is built on,” and says that neglecting SEO can lead to wasteful spending on key strategies like content marketing and link building.

What’s more, about 97 percent of people seek information about a local company online more than any other source (SEO Tribunal). Through SEO, you increase your online search visibility and open your business up to more leads. For example, if HVAC lead generation services don’t incorporate SEO, a search engine will not see the relevance of services to the people searching “HVAC” online.

3. Link Building

Link building involves increasing links to your site from authoritative or highly credible websites in your industry. Backlinks can be requested through outreach or earned through great content. A large part of SEO is optimizing for keywords, but link building proves your site is trustworthy by taking another website’s word for it.

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